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Rent News, How-To’s, and Advice

Helpful reads to guide you through finding and benefiting from

rental assistance and other housing programs

Bridging the Affordability Gap: A New Rental Assistance Program for Whitefish

The scenic town of Whitefish, Montana is known for its natural beauty and vibrant community. However, like many popular mountain towns, Whitefish faces challenges with housing affordability for...

Improving Affordable Housing: Investing in Chesapeake's Future

Affordable housing is critical for the future of Chesapeake. By supporting lower-income families and seniors, the city is investing in its own growth and prosperity. Recent plans by the Chesapeake Housing Author...

A Lifeline for the Vulnerable: Linn County's Rental Assistance Program

While the economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have impacted communities across Iowa, the most vulnerable members of society have been hit hardest. For those already struggling to afford basic ...

Affordable Housing: Why We Need Radical Solutions

The affordable housing crisis demands bold action. Incremental policies and programs have failed to make a dent in the growing shortage of affordable homes for families in need. As housing costs skyrocket and incomes...

Additional Housing Relief Still Needed in Wyoming

While Wyoming recently increased funding for housing assistance programs, more aid is necessary to help all residents in need. The additional $8 million will provide relief for some families struggling with rent, mortga...

Keeping Maine Seniors Warm This Winter

As the cold Maine winter approaches, many seniors are worried about being able to afford the high costs of heating their homes. With fixed incomes and rising energy prices, heating oil and other fuels can strain limited budgets. F...

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