Rental Assistance Program Delays Prompt Los Angeles to Extend Eviction Protections

Elisa Ortiz
Published Aug 29, 2024

To safeguard tenants waiting for financial assistance through Los Angeles' rental assistance program, the city council has approved a measure that temporarily prevents landlords from evicting tenants for unpaid rent.

The move aims to support individuals facing accumulated rental debt due to the prolonged economic effects of the pandemic.

Details of the Measure

In a unanimous 13-0 vote, the Los Angeles City Council passed the law, which prohibits evictions for 120 days, starting from February 1.

The measure specifically covers tenants awaiting disbursement of overdue rent accrued between October 2021 and January 2023.

It is important to note that the protection only applies to evictions related to rental debt and does not extend to pending rental assistance applications or evictions for other reasons.

Pending Applications and Just Cause Evictions

While the law offers relief to tenants awaiting rental assistance, those with pending applications who are also facing just cause evictions may still be at risk.

Notably, the law's implementation is contingent on approval from Mayor Karen Bass, who will need to sign off on the measure before it comes into effect.

The Importance of Financial Relief

The decision to enact this law stems from the sheer volume of applications for rental assistance received by the city.

Over 31,000 applications have been submitted, totaling approximately $472 million in claims. However, as of late January, only $7.9 million has been disbursed.

This delay accentuates the pressing need to expedite the distribution of funds to assist tenants in dire financial straits.

Addressing Vulnerable Communities

Data from the Housing Department reveals that a significant proportion, 84%, of the applicants fall within or below the 30% Area Median Income (AMI) threshold. This underscores the urgent requirement for resources among these tenants.

Additionally, 37% of applicants identify as Black Angelenos, despite African Americans comprising just 9% of the city's population. Protecting these vulnerable communities from homelessness remains a key priority for the council.

Outlook and Conclusion

With economic uncertainties still prevailing, extending eviction protections for tenants awaiting rental assistance is a vital step towards promoting housing stability and reducing the risk of homelessness in Los Angeles.

As the city works through the backlog of applications and disburses funds promptly, the approved measure offers much-needed support to tenants struggling to pay their rent.

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